For a long time GPU processing has been synonymous with Graphics Processing Units, and the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about GPUs is computer games and the cool graphics. It is true that computer graphics has been a primary driver in the advent of these processors, but the GPU has now found other applications that benefit from the vast computing power provided by the GPUs. So in essence, GPU no longer implies the Graphics Processing Unit, but a General-Purpose Processing Unit. Compute-intensive applications in the field of Bioinformatics and Weather forecasting benefit from the tremendous number crunching capabilities provided by GPUs. This is not to imply that CPU or the Central Processing Unit is obsolete; in fact the CPU-GPU pair form a co-processor environment in which the CPU forwards all compute-intensive tasks to the GPU. GPU manufactures provide libraries that allow the programmer to indicate which part of the application logic should run on the GPU. The application binary then contains the appropriate instructions for the CPU to assign a certain task to the GPU for processing. The NVIDIA CUDA is one such library that is compatible with the NVIDIA GPUs.
A reasonable question to ask is: why have two different kinds of processors and why not just make one processor do everything? Both the CPU and GPU were designed with different objectives, so the CPU design makes it better for I/O tasks, whereas the GPU design makes it better for compute-intensive tasks. GPUs are gaining popularity not only in servers, but also in mobile devices. It is not surprising that the new iPad has a quad-core GPU and a dual-core CPU. With the increased emphasis on visualization and breadth-taking graphics, the GPU is expected to be the dominant, and perhaps the main processor, in a device.
A reasonable question to ask is: why have two different kinds of processors and why not just make one processor do everything? Both the CPU and GPU were designed with different objectives, so the CPU design makes it better for I/O tasks, whereas the GPU design makes it better for compute-intensive tasks. GPUs are gaining popularity not only in servers, but also in mobile devices. It is not surprising that the new iPad has a quad-core GPU and a dual-core CPU. With the increased emphasis on visualization and breadth-taking graphics, the GPU is expected to be the dominant, and perhaps the main processor, in a device.